Mandela, Winnie (Nomzamo) 1934 - . Civil-rights activist in South Africa. Wife of Nelson Mandela. A leading spokesperson for the African National Congress (ANC) during her husband's imprisonment 1964-90, in 1991 she received a six-year prison sentence for her role in the kidnapping and assault of four youths. Her sentence was later waived and in May 1994, following the ANC's victory in the country's first universal suffrage elections, she was given a deputy ministerial post in her husband's government. In 1995 she was dismissed from her cabinet post, following allegations of dereliction of duty. Actively involved in promoting the ANC's cause during her husband's long imprisonment, Winnie Mandela was jailed for a year and put under house arrest several times. In 1989 she was involved in the abduction of four youths, one of whom, Stompie Seipei, was later murdered. She was convicted of kidnapping and assault, and given a six-year jail sentence May 1991, with the right to appeal. In April 1992 she and Nelson Mandela separated after 33 years of marriage. In the same year she resigned from her ANC leaderships posts, including her seat on the ANC National Executive Committee. Her sentence was waived by South Africa's highest court 1993, and she was later nominated an ANC candidate for the April 1994 elections. She was appointed minister for arts, culture, science, and technology May 1994, but after allegations of corruption, including the handing out of government contracts in return for kickbacks, she was relieved of her post.